By Philip Robinson | February 16, 2022

What's cooking this week at Tari

The Tari team has been hard at work on both the wallet and functionality required to run the second layer network.

Digital Assets Layer

The Tari Digital Assets Network (DAN) is going to consist of many independent sidechains managed by separate committees of validator nodes (VN)s. Initially, the Asset Issuer would specify the committee members’ public keys for their asset in the Asset Registration UTXO. However, we want to be able to add or remove committee members during the ongoing lifetime of a given asset. This week the team has been working on adding a new output type dedicated to managing the membership of the committee that oversees a given asset. The Asset Issuer, who owns that asset, creates the first of these Committee Definition outputs when they initially register the asset on the base layer. After that point the Asset Issuer can spend this UTXO to a new Committee Definition output to make changes to the membership of the committee.

Another aspect of the second layer that we have been working on this week is the RPC interface to download the state associated with a given asset. This interface would be used by new members of a VN committee who need to acquire the current state of the asset before they can validate instructions performed on the asset. It would also be used by users who would like to construct a proof related to the state of an asset at a given time. A user could use this interface to produce a compact Merkle Proof that they owned a specific asset with a given state at a particular point in time.


On the LibWallet backend and Console Wallet side of the project, the team is currently expanding the wallet’s ability to manage a set of contacts on the Tari network. The wallet can currently associate a network public key with an alias and access this list of contacts on the Send tab of the console wallet or Aurora. We have given the contacts their own tab of the console wallet and are introducing the ability to track whether your contacts are currently online or not. This feature represents the beginnings of adding more advanced chat functionality to our wallets.